Bio 106 Lab

Lab report: Effects of Varying Temperatures on The Rate of Cellular Respiration in Acheta domestica

write up 3 (ex. 7) copy for eport

Framing Statement:

My strengths for this paper were definitely in the methods and results. I was able to get these done quickly and I think they came out really well. Another strength was that I was able to gradually work on this write-up and set deadlines for myself and stick to them. I mimicked my writing process for English papers and it really helped. Right before the deadline for this project, I was able to just revise it instead of trying to write the entire thing at once. My weaknesses were definitely the introduction and the discussion. Those are the hardest parts of a write up for me, usually. I struggle with explaining all the terms and concepts correctly and in enough detail but also being concise. This topic was especially hard because cellular respiration is so important to every organism.
